Cause Marketing Proposal  - Individual Sales

Cause Marketing Proposal - Individual Application

Message from CMHA Calgary

Thank you for your interest in supporting mental health and CMHA Calgary. With your generous support and hard work, CMHA Calgary can continue to support and promote mental health for all.

To ensure the success of your initiative, please complete and submit this application at least one month before publicizing or hosting your initiative (or as soon as possible). This form will help you consider all the fine details and it will help us understand your goals. Please fill out as much information on the form as you can. Once we receive your submission, we will contact you to provide support as best as we can.  

If you have any questions about hosting a Cause Marketing initiative in support of CMHA Calgary, please contact

What is Cause Marketing?

What is Cause Marketing?

Cause-related marketing is a fundraising activity where a for-profit partner promotes the sale of an item(s) or service(s) on the basis that part of the revenue will go to the registered charity.

*Please note, under Canada Revenue Agency regulations, we cannot issue tax receipts for contributions from this type of agreement/initiative as it is deemed funds have been generated from a dual-benefitting relationship. We can only issue acknowledgment receipts for these funds. View CRA cause marketing regulations.

Where Does My Donation Go

Contact Information

Tell us about your initiative!

Fund Development

Online Presence

Initiative Logistics

Please remember: CMHA Calgary's name and logo are the sole property of CMHA Calgary. CMHA Calgary does not permit the use of our logo for community initiatives unless we have provided written permission. All materials featuring the name (electronic or hard copy), or when our logo is used must be approved by CMHA Calgary. Our Fund Development team would be pleased to discuss these details with you.

Terms and Conditions

Please review this section:
  • Individuals or businesses can only sell product(s) and/or service(s) listed in the proposal form and approved by CMHA Calgary. New product(s) and/or service(s) must be detailed in a new proposal form and approved by CMHA Calgary;
  • Individuals or businesses can only refer to CMHA Calgary in cause marketing initiatives as "Proud Supporter";
  • Use of CMHA Calgary’s name and logo are permitted only with CMHA Calgary’s approval;
  • CMHA Calgary must review and approve all promotional materials (including, but not limited to, letters, brochures, press releases, flyers, digital content and advertising) prior to distribution;
  • CMHA Calgary’s logo must not be altered in any way;
  • CMHA Calgary’s name is not permitted on any product packaging;
  • Individuals and businesses are to contact CMHA Calgary immediately if the fundraising initiative is picked up by the media (tv, radio, print and/or other);
  • Individuals or businesses are not permitted to speak on behalf or represent CMHA Calgary to the public or media;
  • All promotional materials must clearly state the percentage of proceeds or portion of ticket price that will be contributed to CMHA Calgary;
  • Only the final net proceeds will be processed by CMHA Calgary. Under no circumstances will third party revenues and expenses flow through CMHA Calgary;
  • CMHA Calgary is not financially liable for any promotions;
  • The organizer that is the subject of this agreement shall indemnify and hold harmless CMHA Calgary, its officers, directors, and employees, from and against any and all claims, liabilities, costs, fines and expenses (including reasonable legal fees) arising out of any claims or suits, or threats of suits, which may be brought against CMHA Calgary for any reason whatsoever in connection with any promotion, including, but not limited to, claims related to personal injury related to the promotion. The organizers' obligations hereunder shall survive the termination of this agreement.
  • CMHA Calgary does not permit the following types of fundraising in a third-party or cause marketing context:
    • Events that encourage/involve behaviour that is counter to the CMHA Calgary's mission and/or programmatic activities;
    • Events involving the promotion or support of a political party or candidate, or those which appear to endorse a political activity;
    • Direct solicitation (including, but not limited to, door-to-door canvassing, telemarketing or internet).
    • CMHA Calgary reserves the right to withdraw the use of its name at any time;
    • CMHA Calgary is unable to provide limited technical support;
    • CMHA Calgary does not create or post social media content on behalf of the individual or business;
    • CMHA Calgary does not promote the sale of item(s) and/or service(s) on behalf of the individual or business 

We will review your application in the next 5-10 business days. If accepted we will provide you the use of a CMHA Calgary's logo.

Please note: Under Canada Revenue Agency regulations, we cannot issue tax receipts for contributions from this type of agreement/initiative as it is deemed funds have been generated from a dual-benefitting relationship. We can only issue acknowledgement receipts for these funds. View CRA cause marketing regulations. 

We look forward to working with you!